December 28

Protect what you Think…

Science is learning that most illness gets exaggerated with negative thought.

The cycle of thoughts in our brain stimulates the electrical and nervous systems which make us function.  Our emotional system interprets this energy and creates the moods we feel – Joy, Love, Pain, Sad.

Can this be the secret to Health?

It’s been proven again and again. Hypochondriacs, people who are convinced that they are sick even though nothing is wrong with them, experience the exact symptoms of the actual illness. For them, the illness is just as real as if their bodies were ravaged by disease.

It is also possible to make yourself ill through constant worry and fear of failure, because the mind constantly strives to turn into reality the things we think about most.

Protect your mental health with the same care you give your physical body. Just as your body requires healthy, nourishing foods, and a balanced diet, so does your mind. Make sure you feed it plenty of positive thoughts and imagination.

We cannot create things unless they are first conceived in our thoughts. Through the aid of the imagination, thought impulses may be assembled into plans.

Test Yourself on your thinking – What do you see in these letters: NOWHERE

click this link for more –

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December 26

Act as If!

It’s been said that you should always work at two jobs simultaneously: the one you have and the one you desire.

When you work as hard at the task you want to do as the task you must do, you are preparing yourself for the future. You are learning skills that will enable you to grow beyond your present position and into your boss’s job and your boss’s boss’s job. When the time comes, you’ll be ready.

When you’ve mastered one task, don’t rest on your laurels. Instead, begin immediately to think about the future, about how you can improve what you’re doing now, and what you can learn that will allow you to progress in the future.

Ours is a knowledge-based economy in which intellectual property is worth far more than physical goods. To succeed today requires continuous learning; staying current in your field means a lifetime of study in our fast-paced world.

If you work as hard at the task you desire to do as the task you must do, you will go places.

There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief.

Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage, and belief.

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November 21

Who is the Weakest Link?

Experts in human behavior have discovered that it is virtually impossible for an individual member of a group not to be affected by other members.

only as stong as the weakest linkLikewise, the group itself is only as strong as its weakest link. It is rarely possible for the entire group to raise itself to higher levels unless they raise the skill of the weakest member.

There is an interesting correlation between negative thinking and weak performance. Don’t associate with those who are afflicted with the mental sickness of constant negative thinking. Associate with happy, positive, productive people. Your time is an asset to be managed more carefully than your money; spend it with people who share your desire to succeed and your commitment to maintain a Positive Mental Attitude.

A mind ill with negative attitudes is more dangerous than a sick body, for its sickness is always contagious.

Our thoughts and deeds cause an effect in the world often called a karmic event.  The law cause and effectof karma is the law of causation. For example, a seed is a cause for the growth of a tree, which is the effect. The tree produces seeds and becomes the cause for the seeds.

It can be said that each action in thought and deed has a certain effect on who we are, and who we are to become, but in reality karma has nothing to do with a punishment or reward system. Rather, it is a natural law evolving toward balance as a whole

If the thing you wish to do is right, and you believe in it, go ahead and do it! Put your dream across, and never mind what “they” say if you meet with temporary defeat, for “they,” perhaps, do not know that every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.


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November 20

Struggle makes power – Really!

Remember the mind grows strong through use. Struggle makes power.

Napoleon Hill liked to tell a story about his grandfather, a wagon builder in North Carolina. When the old man cleared the land for cultivation, he always left a few oak trees in the middle of the field at the mercy of the elements, unsheltered by other trees in the forest. It was from those trees that his grandfather made the wagons’ wheels. Because they were forced to struggle against the fury of nature, they grew strong enough to bear the heaviest load.

Welcome difficult challenges, for the greatest opportunities will come from challenges that force you to expand your mind as you search for creative solutions.

During life’s bleakest hours, take solace in the fact that you are strengthening yourself through struggle so that in the future you will be prepared to take on even greater challenges. Like the old oak tree, you grow strong only when you are forced to struggle.

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November 10

No N in Team!

It is virtually impossible to win when your mind is full of negativity …

Our muscles listen intently to our mind so it is essential for you to encourage the positive emotions as dominating forces of your mind, and to discourage — and eliminate — negative emotions.  Try this if you do not believe; shoot a basketball free throw when thinking, “ouch my leg hurts”….good luck~

This is even more important to team efforts. Football players quickly learn that no member of the team can be a star in every play. Teamwork is a “cooperative effort by the members of a team to achieve a common goal.” The key words in the definition are cooperative effort. Without the support of the entire group, no team can long endure. Most moments of glory are built upon a long series of plays, each won by committed, determined, bone-jarring blocking and tackling.

A winning team is one whose members recognize that when one member of the team is successful, the entire team wins.

Conversely, a sure way to develop a losing formula is to create an environment in which team members compete with one another instead of the opponent. When all members give their best in every situation — whether they are carrying the ball or clearing the way for someone else — the team wins, and so does each individual member of it.

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June 12

Integrity Matters . . .

One of life’s greatest joys is the sense of wonder that accompanies the arrival of a tiny new human being into the world. But that joy is accompanied by a tremendous responsibility and personal integrity… someone IS watching.

It is so easy to forget that the world around us watches our every move – mirroring the good and bad we do.

This process really shows itself in the growth of our children.  We can provide them with all the physical advantages of a good childhood, but unless we the parents strive to set a good example for them to follow, there is a high probability they will drift through life without purpose.

By living a life of integrity whether we think anyone is watching or not, we live exemplary behavior. All those around us will benefit by the great example and we will draw too us all that we wish for a joyous life.

However, taking ethical shortcuts, either big or small, without other people observing them and assuming that this behavior is something you wouldn’t mind having turned back on yourself.

Certainly we all make mistakes, but if you have always striven for the best course, others will remember it and treat you accordingly.

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August 21

There are no degrees of honesty!

The person who is honest only for a “price” should be rated as dishonest.

cyber-thiefThere are no degrees of honesty. There are only absolutes. Either you are honest or you are not. Honesty does not come for a price; honesty is its own reward. It’s also the most efficient form of human behavior. Honest persons never have to worry about which lie they have told to whom, and they never have to worry about getting caught. Thus, they are free to focus all their energies on more productive things.

Make it a habit to be honest in all your dealings. If you can’t be truthful in what you say, don’t say anything at all. Remember, small lies start out innocently enough but soon assume lives of their own. A small lie requires a larger one to conceal it, and soon more, even larger lies are required. Don’t tell that first lie or take a single thing that doesn’t belong to you, and you’ll never have to worry.

You cannot succeed in life by scattering your forces and trying to do a dozen things at the same time. 

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