February 24

Worry – flocks like Sheep!

Worries, like sheep, seem to flock together. One worry thought leads to another, and soon you are overwhelmed with the potential for problems.

worry-flock-like-sheepWhen you allow yourself to play the “what if?” game — to speculate about additional problems that one potential problem might cause — worries multiply, each making the next seem worse.

If you must play the “What if?” game, play it to win. Focus on solutions, not on the problems themselves and the additional problems they might create. However serious your worries may seem when they awaken you at midnight, if you analyze them carefully, you will find that every problem has a solution. The worst thing about worry is that it attracts a whole flock of relatives. We do not worry over conditions once we have reached a decision to follow a definite line of action.

And to make matters worse, if you can’t manage your own mental attitude, what makes you think you can manage others?

regretWhy is it that often those who believe they would be the best managers of others — if they were only given the opportunity — haven’t learned to manage themselves properly? Before you can ever have any hope of managing others effectively, you must first learn to set an example for others to follow. It is simply impossible for you to inspire others to high levels of achievement if you cannot inspire yourself to do the same.

Don’t make the mistake that many others make by saying, “When they make me a manager, I’ll show them I can manage.” The first move is yours. You must first prove yourself worthy.

Posted February 24, 2020 by admin in category "Mind over Matter