April 27

Turn Fear into Future Success!

Worry and fear are negative emotions that serve no useful purpose other than drag you down.

ignored-alone-sad-forgottenBoth tend to expand if left unchecked until they crowd out positive emotions and beliefs, taking over your mind and filling it with counterproductive emotions that cause you to doubt your ability to succeed at anything you attempt. Unless you control worry and fear, one day you will discover that they control you.

While the emotions can’t always be corrected with logic or reason, they are always susceptible to action. Act, and even if your actions aren’t entirely appropriate for the situation, the very act of doing something — anything — constructive will have a positive effect on your mind and attitude.

You must keep your mind sharply focused on your goals, and you must have a grounding philosophy that sustains you when the going is tough. When you apply the principles of seeyourfuturesuccess consistently until they become a part of you, no longer will you have to stop and think about what you should do in any given situation. Your positive response will be automatic.

Make sure you spend time in reflection and study. Clearly establish your goals and develop a plan and timetable for their achievement. Read the works of motivational writers and the great philosophers, and use the knowledge you gain to develop your own code of conduct. Establish your own philosophy of success that you can stick with — day in and day out — regardless of what the rest of the world does.

If you are worried or afraid of anything, there is something in your mental attitude that needs correction. It doesn’t pay to look at others through a foggy mental attitude.

Posted April 27, 2020 by admin in category "Matter of Focus