August 29

Life is our Mirror . . .

It is interesting about human nature that we tend to see in others whatever traits of character we are looking for in ourselves. More interestingly, life tends to show us the items we need to work on as well.

Every living human being is a complex combination of feelings, emotions, and thoughts — some good, some bad. Your impression of another depends far more upon you and your expectations of that person.

If you believe someone is good, you will find good qualities. If you don’t, you won’t. When you are yourself a positive person, you tend to find positive qualities in others. As you work to develop good, constructive habits to improve yourself continually, make it a practice to look for those same qualities in others.

If you have more enemies than friends, it’s time to examine your mental attitude.

When your enemies outnumber your friends, the answer to the problem most likely resides within you. Ask yourself, Am I the kind of person I would like to have as a friend? Do I consider the feelings of others, or do I think only of myself? Do I try to find the good in others, or am I always finding fault? When something goes wrong, do I search for a solution to the problem, or do I look for someone to blame? In the answers to such questions, you may find the answer to the question: Why do I have more enemies than friends?

It’s easy to spot another’s shortcomings, but when you identify the good in others and congratulate them upon their positive achievements, you will make friends on whom you can always depend — both in good times and bad.

No one can succeed and remain successful without the friendly cooperation of others. The best way to get friendly cooperation is to give it. When you make it a practice to encourage others and to help them advance whenever possible, most will reciprocate when you need their help. Give generously, and you will benefit in kind.

Really look into life’s Mirror . . .  it will show you all the good and all the challenges. Let if guide you in all its powerful ways on your Matter Journey of life.


Posted August 29, 2019 by admin in category "Matter of Perspective