June 27

Thoughts are Things!

Every thought you release — good or bad — is a form of energy that can affect those who receive it, for better or worse. You become what you think about most.

If you think about success, you condition your mind to seek success, and you attract large portions of it. Conversely, if you think about failure and despair, you will become miserable and desperate. To keep your mind on a positive track, the moment you begin to experience creeping negativism, make a conscious decision to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with their positive counterparts.

Success throws itself on the side of those who do what is right.

We human beings are the only creatures on earth who have the capacity for belief. That capacity, combined with our almost innate capability to distinguish right from wrong, provides us with a formidable power in our quest for a richer, more rewarding life.

dog-pet-close-upWhen you set goals for yourself, make sure they are based on doing the right thing for your family, your friends, your employees, and yourself.

When others see that you are fair and just in your dealings with them and that you are a generous, principled person, they will move heaven and earth for you.

Please remember that every thought you release becomes the energy that creates a permanent part of your character. Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time.

Make sure you are wearing what you want with your thoughts!

Posted June 27, 2019 by admin in category "Mind over Matter