June 24

It Takes 2 to Fight . . .

It’s difficult to remember in the heat of a disagreement that it takes two to quarrel.  You choose either conflict or peace.

Change how you look at the problemWhen others are upset with you or with a situation that involves you, let them know that you understand how they feel. Try examining the problem from their point of view.

– What is the source of the conflict?
– How could it be resolved in a manner that would satisfy the interests of all involved?
– How have you contributed to the problem?

When you try to find solutions instead of attempting to affix blame, others will almost always respond in kind.

It takes 2 to fightDiscord in any relationship often has unpleasant financial implications, but it is far costlier in human terms.

When you are involved in a fractious relationship, physical and mental energy that could be directed toward positive achievements is dissipated needlessly, squandered upon stressful, unproductive activities. Unfortunately, whatever the cause of friction between individuals, it adversely affects each person involved.

When you find yourself in a contentious relationship, there are few acceptable alternatives. You can work out your problems or leave. Only you know which is the best solution for you, but if you objectively evaluate your reasons for becoming involved and find that they are still valid, your best course of action may be to swallow your pride and find a solution that is acceptable to everyone involved. If you cannot do this, perhaps it’s time to get out of the partnership and find another course toward your objective.

Friction in machinery costs money. Friction in human relationships impoverishes both the spirit and the bank account.

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June 22

Do you have Faith?

Faith is a combination of thoughts and actions.

When you apply your faith in yourself, your faith in your fellow man, and your faith in God, the result is a positive course of action that when persistently followed will almost always lead to success. When you believe in your ideas and in your abilities, and you trust in the Infinite Intelligence of the universe, you know that your thoughts and deeds will ultimately lead to a successful conclusion. You cannot fail.

Instead of complaining about what you don’t like, start commending what you do like and see how quickly life improves.

It’s easy to find fault in life. There are always some unpleasant and mundane tasks we would rather omit. It is also easy to allow the things we dislike to dominate our thoughts and to overlook the fact that the things we dislike are really a very small percentage of the life energy all around us.

Try this exercise . . . Make it a point to find something good, every day. It need not be a big, important event; simply finding joy in doing one thing particularly well will suffice. Then, instead of looking forward to the end of the day, you will find yourself actually looking forward to the hunt for your daily miracle!

Category: What is the Matter? | Comments Off on Do you have Faith?
June 17

BE who you are looking for!

There is a powerful law in science called polarization. It is the magnetic science used to make all the electronics in our world function. Molecules either move to or away from each other and energy is generated. Follow this link to learn more – http://www.howmagnetswork.com/

By studying this science and applying it to your life you can learn to draw to you what you seek. Start by looking in the Mirror . . . Are you acting like the person who your ideal mate desires? Are you acting like the employee you ideal job would hire? Are you showing inspiration to those around you?

Thoughts which are mixed with any of the feelings of emotions constitute a “magnetic” force which attracts other similar or related thoughts.

If you expect others to have confidence in you, you must conduct yourself in a way that inspires trust. Being so cautious that you never try anything new will damage your credibility just as much as will throwing all caution to the winds and trying any idea that comes along without thinking it through. (Most people equate any kind of extreme behavior with poor judgment.) But don’t fall victim to “analysis paralysis.” Learn to separate facts from opinions and make sure your choices are based on reliable information. Then take action!

A rudderless ship and a purposeless person are eventually stranded on desert sand.

The goals you set for yourself — like the rudder of a ship — will guide you toward your destination, and without them, like a ship without a rudder, you’ll find it impossible to stay the course. Make goal-setting a habit in your life.

If you sometimes have trouble staying focused, set small, attainable goals and stick with the job until it’s done. Examples might include finding a faster, more efficient way to do a routine job. Or taking the most difficult jobs first when you have the most energy and your concentration is at its highest level. Save the easiest jobs for last. A few small successes will inevitably lead to bigger achievements.

Category: Matter of Attraction | Comments Off on BE who you are looking for!
June 15

Its about What you DO!

The world pins no medals on you because of what you know, but it may crown you with glory and riches for what you do.

Knowledge is an important component of success in any field. To accomplish anything worthwhile often requires years of study. But knowledge alone is not power; it becomes powerful only when it is applied through positive action.

Study after study of successful people reveals that they have a bias for action. They gather the appropriate facts, relate them to their knowledge about the subject, develop an implementation plan, and then get into action. When in doubt, it’s far better to act too soon rather than too late.

Medals and titles will not count when you get to heaven, but you may be looked over carefully for the sort of deeds you have done.

It is a fundamental principle of many religions, that in the afterlife the only real measure of success will be how you have lived your life, not how much money you have accumulated. Whatever your faith may be, a good rule of everyday behavior is to live your life so that when it is over you can take pride in the knowledge that you have made a difference in the lives of those who have known you.

It’s easy in the crush of everyday life to lose sight of the true riches of life, the things that really matter. Psychologist Ilona Tobin defines true success as “giving and receiving love, having physical and mental health, enough wealth to provide you with options, and the time to enjoy them all.” Whatever your personal definition of success may be, make sure that it includes a healthy measure of the truly important things in life.

Category: What is the Matter? | Comments Off on Its about What you DO!
June 14

It takes more than a loud voice!

It takes more than a loud voice to gain respect for authority.

Margaret Thatcher once observed that being powerful is like being a lady: if you have to tell others you are, you aren’t. Truly great leaders gain respect by the way they conduct themselves, not by the loudness of their orders. You gain respect by respecting others.

Follow the Golden Rule in your treatment of others, and you will win their undying loyalty. If you ever expect to have authority over others, you must first prove yourself worthy.

The world stands aside and makes room for the person who knows where he is going and is on his way.

When you have a vision for what you wish to achieve in your life, not only will others stand aside and let you pass, but they will join you in your quest as well. They will instinctively recognize your enthusiasm and zest for living.

When you speak of your passion in life, your definite major goal, they will see the intensity of your desire, and they will respond with encouragement and assistance or they will stand aside. It will be apparent to all who know you that you will succeed.

Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action and directed to a definite end. Boastfulness is generally an admission of an inferiority complex.

Enthusiasm is contagious, and the person who has it, under control, is generally welcome in any group of people.

Category: Matter of Action | Comments Off on It takes more than a loud voice!
June 9

Attracting what you truly desire!

The individual with a negative mental attitude attracts troubles as a magnet attracts steel filings. Fortunately, the opposite is true also…its your choice.

attracting what you truly desire!It is a curious fact of nature that somehow our minds find a way to transform into physical reality the things we think about most. If you expect to fail, you can be sure that you will, and if you find something negative in every opportunity, nothing will ever work out positively for you.

Fortunately, the reverse is also true. If you are a happy, positive person, you will attract positive things. You can keep your mindset positive by eliminating negative thoughts the moment they begin to creep into your conscious mind.

Dwelling on the negative aspects of every opportunity will never accomplish anything worthwhile. Be prudent about the risks you take, but don’t be paralyzed by fear of failure.

The mind serves best which is used most.

attracting what you truly desire!Set aside at least a half hour each day studying, thinking, and planning. Review your long-, intermediate-, and short-term goals, and measure your progress to date. Are you on schedule for their completion?

Ask yourself, “What information do I not have that would help me achieve my goals?” Then gather the information you need and get into action attracting what you truly desire!

Thoughts which are mixed with any of the feelings of emotions constitute a “magnetic” force which attracts other similar or related thoughts.

Category: Matter of Attraction | Comments Off on Attracting what you truly desire!
June 7

It’s all a Matter of Attitude…

It has been said that it’s not boasting if you can really do it.

This may be true, but a far more persuasive argument is made when you do it first and talk about it later. Besides, good things that are said about you always carry more weight when they are said by someone other than yourself. When you find yourself tempted to wax eloquent about your achievements, force yourself to pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and ask someone else about their achievements.

The Bible states that we reap what we sow. The most fertile soil in the world is barren unless seeds have been properly planted, cultivated, and nurtured. The relationship between giving and getting is constant in everything you do. To succeed in any endeavor, you must first invest a generous portion of your time and talents if you expect ever to earn a return on your investment. You have to give before you get.

It’s all a matter of attitude.

You may occasionally be disappointed if you are not rewarded for your efforts, but if you demand payment for your services before you render them, you can expect a lifetime of disappointment and frustration. If you cheerfully do your best before asking for any compensation, you can expect a bountiful harvest of the greatest rewards life has to offer.

Trying to get without first giving is as fruitless as trying to reap without having sown.

Category: Matter of Attitude | Comments Off on It’s all a Matter of Attitude…
June 5

Are you ready for it?

Psychologists have correctly said that “when one is truly ready for a thing, it puts in its appearance.” Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.

blinded-by-greedEveryone is what they are because of the dominating thoughts which they permit to occupy their mind. Individuals with a positive attitude are those who somehow always manage to find something new and interesting even in the most mundane tasks. They don’t allow themselves to be bored, because they are always seeking ways to do things faster, better, and more efficiently.

If you make it a practice to find better ways to do the same old things, you will soon be marked for advancement. You will be supervising others who are performing your old job because you’ve proven that you are a person who can be counted on to take the initiative and do what needs to be done without being told.

money-makes-happyThere are a few occasions during our brief time on earth when most of us experience great flashes of insight, great moments of truth that forever change the course of our lives. Most of those experiences result from spectacular failures, not from outstanding successes.

It is from the failures that so chagrined and dismayed us that we learn the most lasting lessons. When you are the unwilling recipient of a great moment of truth, extract the useful lessons and then put the entire episode behind you. Learn from your failures, forget about them, and move on to better things.

Your failure may prove to be an asset, provided you know why you failed.

Category: Mind over Matter | Comments Off on Are you ready for it?
June 1

Do you have the courage to Try?

The person who complains that he or she never had a chance probably hasn’t the courage to take a chance.

Thomas Edison once observed that the reason most folks don’t recognize opportunity when it comes along is that it is often dressed in coveralls and look like work. Often opportunity involves a great deal of work and a willingness to take a chance on something, the outcome of which may be uncertain. Eventually you reach a point when you must either accept an opportunity with all of its unknowns or else turn your back on it.

No one can tell you when you have reached that point; you alone know when it’s time to make your move, to have the courage to take a chance. You must get busy doing something about going the extra mile.

It’s well and good to feel as though you have changed the attitude with which you render extra service, but if that service is in truth no more than anyone else’s, then you aren’t doing yourself much good. You need to examine your co-workers and competitors to understand just what it is that will make you stand out.

If there are job performance standards, exceed them. If you’re fulfilling a contract, make sure you offer more than you promised. You cannot confine extra-mile service to your work alone. You must make it part of your philosophy for dealing with every person you encounter.

Imagine how others will be delighted to find that you are the type of person who not only does what is promised but even delivers more. The true benefit of going the extra mile is in teaching yourself to strive always for better and greater achievement in all that you do.

Category: No Matter How | Comments Off on Do you have the courage to Try?
May 31

No Matter How…Do it now!

Decide where you are going and how to get there. Then make a start from where you now stand.

The surest way to achieve acceptance in any organization or in any line of work is to be successful. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. No matter how carefully you study a subject, no matter how rationally you make decisions, no matter how well prepared you are, you will occasionally make mistakes. Human beings always do.

The important thing is to realize that temporary setbacks are not permanent failures. Successful people recognize that we all experience temporary setbacks that require us to reevaluate our performance and take corrective action to achieve success. They know that adversity is never permanent.

A resourceful person will always make opportunity fit his or her needs.

The ability to recognize opportunities is a critical element of success, but it is only the beginning. An idea is valuable only if it can be put into practice — by you.

Highly successful people know that there are many ways to capitalize on an opportunity. They evaluate and shape it to fit their capabilities, or they put together a team composed of people with the skills necessary to take advantage of it — whatever it takes to make it work.

Seldom is there any single right answer in business. Often there are any number of right answers. No Matter How…Do it now!  HP computers gets it.

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