January 18

Wishing will not bring riches

Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the purpose of money wishes for it.

pet-close-up-tuffyWishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.

It’s common knowledge that the person who knows the most about how to improve the productivity of any job is the person who holds that job. Why is it, then, that we are often reluctant to offer suggestions for improvement? Perhaps we’ve seen too many layoffs and reorganizations to trust the cracker-barrel wisdom that our goal should be to work ourselves out of a job — so that we can move on to a bigger and better position. Nevertheless, the old wisdom is still sound.

money-ideasIf you find a way to do things better, faster, or cheaper, you increase your value to your employer. You will be asked to participate in planning sessions and quality circles because you’ve demonstrated that you know how to make things work more efficiently. It’s inevitable that you will be promoted, because you will become one of those exceptional employees who are too valuable to lose.

Find out how to get production up, and it will drag you and a bigger paycheck along with it.

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January 13

Are you Ready for Opportunity?

Psychologists famously state: “when one is truly ready for a thing, it puts in its appearance.”

Have you ever noticed that the reason we often fail to recognize opportunities is because they come disguised as problems. When a customer, a colleague, or your boss has a problem, it may create a valuable opportunity for you. It isn’t important to the person with the problem how your company is organized or whose responsibility it is to solve the problem; he or she only wants the situation resolved.

The next time a customer, a colleague, or your boss asks for your assistance in something that falls outside your area of responsibility, instead of referring them to someone else, offer to help. Look at the situation from the other person’s point of view. How would you like the situation handled if the roles were reversed? Take the initiative to find the answer, solve the problem, or keep the project moving forward.

Opportunity lets you put your foot inside the door of success, but it doesn’t break the door down for you.

Opportunities are not windfalls. Winning a sweepstakes makes you instantly rich; encountering an opportunity means you will have to go to work. When you have attuned your mind to recognize opportunities, you will understand that most often they involve the exploitation of some potential, such as providing a new or better service, streamlining production, or reaching a new market.

This is why the habit of initiative is so important. You must be prepared to act as soon as you recognize an opportunity. The action may be simply further investigation, or it may be making an instant sale. Most often, however, an opportunity takes time and perseverance to develop.

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January 5

Inside, You know what is right.

There is no compromise or negotiation when it comes to who will run your life. Either you take charge and live a productive life of your choosing or you allow yourself to be ruled by circumstances. But there will inevitably be setbacks.

us dollar puzzle and magnifierLike everyone else, you will have days when everything goes right and you are on top of the world. Relish those days, enjoy them, and remember them. Recall the euphoria that accompanied them when you need an extra measure of positive thinking to get back in the saddle after you’ve experienced an embarrassing and painful fall.

The most intuitive people pay close attention to how life turns from the choice we make. Do good or bad things happen from my choices?  Many believe there is a big scoring system used to push us through the learning process. If you have ever asked yourself…why does this keep happening to me….you have experienced it. The lessons tend to get harder until we learn what we need too.

The Hindu call it Karma, a concept of reincarnation (rebirth after death).

According to Hinduism (the main religion of India), after death a person’s soul, or spiritual essence, transmigrates (moves) into a new body and is reborn. When the soul transmigrates, it may enter a body that is in a higher or lower state of existence than was lived by the previous person.

For example, the soul could become a king, an animal, or even an insect. Where the soul may go next is determined by karma—the thoughts, words, and actions of the person who previously inhabited the soul. If the person’s karma (cause and effect of choices)  was good, the soul will be reborn into a higher state of existence. Conversely, if the karma has been bad, the soul will inhabit a lower state.

In the old West, a cowboy expression went, “There never was a horse that couldn’t be rode, and there never was a rider that couldn’t be throwed.”

Its up to you which you want to be! So the question is:

If no one is looking….does it Matter?

The imagination is the workshop of the soul, it is we shape all the plans for our achievement.

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December 28

Protect what you Think…

Science is learning that most illness gets exaggerated with negative thought.

The cycle of thoughts in our brain stimulates the electrical and nervous systems which make us function.  Our emotional system interprets this energy and creates the moods we feel – Joy, Love, Pain, Sad.

Can this be the secret to Health?

It’s been proven again and again. Hypochondriacs, people who are convinced that they are sick even though nothing is wrong with them, experience the exact symptoms of the actual illness. For them, the illness is just as real as if their bodies were ravaged by disease.

It is also possible to make yourself ill through constant worry and fear of failure, because the mind constantly strives to turn into reality the things we think about most.

Protect your mental health with the same care you give your physical body. Just as your body requires healthy, nourishing foods, and a balanced diet, so does your mind. Make sure you feed it plenty of positive thoughts and imagination.

We cannot create things unless they are first conceived in our thoughts. Through the aid of the imagination, thought impulses may be assembled into plans.

Test Yourself on your thinking – What do you see in these letters: NOWHERE

click this link for more – http://www.themattermeter.com/?p=238

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December 26

Act as If!

It’s been said that you should always work at two jobs simultaneously: the one you have and the one you desire.

When you work as hard at the task you want to do as the task you must do, you are preparing yourself for the future. You are learning skills that will enable you to grow beyond your present position and into your boss’s job and your boss’s boss’s job. When the time comes, you’ll be ready.

When you’ve mastered one task, don’t rest on your laurels. Instead, begin immediately to think about the future, about how you can improve what you’re doing now, and what you can learn that will allow you to progress in the future.

Ours is a knowledge-based economy in which intellectual property is worth far more than physical goods. To succeed today requires continuous learning; staying current in your field means a lifetime of study in our fast-paced world.

If you work as hard at the task you desire to do as the task you must do, you will go places.

There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief.

Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage, and belief.

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December 2

Discover your life purpose . . .

If you have no major purpose, you are drifting toward certain failure.

Not having a major purpose for your life is like trying to navigate without a chart. You may eventually get somewhere you like, or you may drift aimlessly, always hoping to find — but never finding — the place where you would like to be.

As you grow as a person, so will your major purpose. It is the natural order of things that, when you reach the top of one mountain, you will look around for higher peaks to climb. In life, either you are moving forward or you are going backward. When you plot your course carefully and thoughtfully, you can ensure that you are going in the right direction.

A positive mental attitude is an irresistible force that knows no such thing as an immovable body.

Time and again we hear stories about ordinary people who do seemingly impossible things when they find themselves in an emergency situation. They perform Herculean feats of strength and endurance, things they never dreamed they were capable of doing.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could harness that strength and make it available anytime you need it? You can — if you believe you can. No doubt you can remember a time in your life when you were exceptionally focused on your objective, a time when you achieved more in less time than ever before. Perhaps it was an impending vacation that motivated you to get everything done before you departed, or perhaps it was a “must pass” exam that helped you focus your concentration. The intensity that you developed in those situations is always available to you when you have a Positive Mental Attitude.


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December 1

Are you pointed at your goals?

Where will you be ten years from now if you keep on going the way you are going?

Many people fail to realize that big success is the result of little successes achieved, often over a very long period of time.

Truly successful people are long-term thinkers. They know that they must build upon each achievement and constantly learn new and better ways of doing things. A regular review of your progress is an essential part of goal-setting.

A goal is little more than a wish unless it has a timetable for completion. Make sure your plan for your life includes short-, medium-, and long-term goals. Revise your goals as circumstances dictate, check them off when they are completed, and set new and bigger goals for yourself as you grow. And take time to reflect often to make sure you are on the right course — for you.

The turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their “other selves.”

When you take the initiative, you become a de facto leader whose success will depend in large measure upon your ability to inspire others to work with you. They will follow your lead when they have confidence in you and when they know they will share in your success.

Few of us are good enough or lucky enough to achieve great success completely on our own. We need others to help us. When we give more in return than we ever ask of our friends and associates, not only will we be able to accomplish much more in life, but it will also make the entire experience much more enjoyable.

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November 23

Does Success Matter?

If you are waiting for success to seek you out, you are headed for a big disappointment.

can't wait for successSuccess is rarely forced upon anyone, and it will never overtake you unexpectedly. You must prepare for it and actively seek it out if you ever plan to achieve any measure of success in your life.

Constantly be alert to changes in your business or profession. Subscribe to trade magazines and professional journals, join industry associations or professional societies, and get to know the experts in the field in order to keep abreast of new developments.

When you get yourself under complete control, you can be your own boss.

We all have moments when we allow others to cause us to react emotionally, especially in anger. Often we regret our response later, and we vow we will never allow ourselves to behave in this fashion again. The next time you feel the anger rising, remind yourself that no one can make you angry or emotional without your consent — indeed, your active participation is required.

Those who have learned to manage themselves are the individuals who are destined to be leaders. They are chosen to manage others because they have demonstrated that they can manage themselves. They are people of character.

Category: What is the Matter? | Comments Off on Does Success Matter?
November 21

Who is the Weakest Link?

Experts in human behavior have discovered that it is virtually impossible for an individual member of a group not to be affected by other members.

only as stong as the weakest linkLikewise, the group itself is only as strong as its weakest link. It is rarely possible for the entire group to raise itself to higher levels unless they raise the skill of the weakest member.

There is an interesting correlation between negative thinking and weak performance. Don’t associate with those who are afflicted with the mental sickness of constant negative thinking. Associate with happy, positive, productive people. Your time is an asset to be managed more carefully than your money; spend it with people who share your desire to succeed and your commitment to maintain a Positive Mental Attitude.

A mind ill with negative attitudes is more dangerous than a sick body, for its sickness is always contagious.

Our thoughts and deeds cause an effect in the world often called a karmic event.  The law cause and effectof karma is the law of causation. For example, a seed is a cause for the growth of a tree, which is the effect. The tree produces seeds and becomes the cause for the seeds.

It can be said that each action in thought and deed has a certain effect on who we are, and who we are to become, but in reality karma has nothing to do with a punishment or reward system. Rather, it is a natural law evolving toward balance as a whole

If the thing you wish to do is right, and you believe in it, go ahead and do it! Put your dream across, and never mind what “they” say if you meet with temporary defeat, for “they,” perhaps, do not know that every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.


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November 20

Struggle makes power – Really!

Remember the mind grows strong through use. Struggle makes power.

Napoleon Hill liked to tell a story about his grandfather, a wagon builder in North Carolina. When the old man cleared the land for cultivation, he always left a few oak trees in the middle of the field at the mercy of the elements, unsheltered by other trees in the forest. It was from those trees that his grandfather made the wagons’ wheels. Because they were forced to struggle against the fury of nature, they grew strong enough to bear the heaviest load.

Welcome difficult challenges, for the greatest opportunities will come from challenges that force you to expand your mind as you search for creative solutions.

During life’s bleakest hours, take solace in the fact that you are strengthening yourself through struggle so that in the future you will be prepared to take on even greater challenges. Like the old oak tree, you grow strong only when you are forced to struggle.

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