December 18

Time to burn the boats?

Julius Caesar had long wished to capture the British. He sailed to the British Isles, quietly unloaded his troops and supplies, and gave the order to burn the ships. He then called all of his men together and said, “Now it is win or perish. We have no choice.”

With that single order, he guaranteed the success of his campaign. He knew that people who have no other alternative — or will accept no other — always win.

If you find yourself in a situation where victory seems impossible, you may benefit your cause by developing an alternate course of action. Einstein famous said, “It is impossible to solve a problem with the same thinking that created it”.

There are very few problems in life that are impossible to solve, and few obstacles that will not eventually give way to a determined, motivated person with a plan that is flexible enough to cope with changing condition.

So how do you start?  With positive thinking.  You must feel you can do it because if you think you cannot – you will definitely be right!

It is a physical impossibility for a negative mind to generate positive thoughts. When you allow yourself to dwell on the negative aspects of life, negative thinking expands to fill all of your thoughts until there is no room for positive thoughts to grow. It becomes an endless cycle.

The habit of negative thinking generates more and more negative thoughts, which the mind attempts to turn into physical reality. The result is a life of despair and hopelessness. Develop the habit of eliminating negative thoughts the moment they appear.

Start small at first. When you first hear that inner voice that says, “I can’t do this,” put the thought out of your mind immediately.

Instead, concentrate on the task itself. Break it down into manageable parts and complete them one at a time. When the job is finished, tell your doubting self, “You were wrong. I could do it, and I did!”

Category: Matter of Attention | Comments Off on Time to burn the boats?
December 17

Do you have blisters on YOUR feet?

Don’t push others around if you have no blisters on your own feet.

business-man-sittingGood officers lead by example and make sure the troops are cared for before attending to their own needs. When you treat others respectfully and never ask another to do something you would be unwilling to do yourself, you are entitled to the respect of others — and they will freely give it. But you cannot expect others to continue marching until they have blisters on their feet while you ride in the jeep. Leading others means you must be willing to give far more of yourself than you would ever ask from them.

In a well-managed business, all promotions are self-made. The employer’s only part in the transaction is to check carefully to make sure the promotion was earned.

The perfect formula for destroying morale in any organization is to create a working environment that leads employees to believe that the only way to get ahead is by playing politics. The best-managed businesses are those in which every promotion is earned and every qualified person has an equal opportunity to compete for it. If you’re a manager, weigh all decisions clear-forest-in-glassesinvolving your employees on the basis of fairness. And if you aspire to be a manager, choose to work for a company that is fair in its treatment of workers. When you’ve earned your position through skill and effectiveness, you have the best job security.

When you take charge of your mind, you take charge of your life. When you understand your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, you can direct them to any end you choose. Wisdom comes from taking the time to study yourself, to know why you are the person you are. Taking charge of your mind is a thoughtful, reflective, solitary process. Only you can come to understand the complex inner workings of your own mind, and you must be willing to spend the time and effort that gaining such insight requires.

The better portion of all sales I have made were made after people had said “no.”

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December 14

Do you attract the Bull?

Bulls may have good qualities, but you will never bring them out by waving a red flag in his face.

Arousing others is easy — if you don’t care what kind of action you inspire. If you wish to create a positive response in others, you do so by example and through the art of gentle persuasion, not by daring them to attack.

When you work with others, concentrate on their positive attributes, not on the things they dislike or fear. When you take the time to get to know your associates, to learn about their hopes, dreams, and aspirations, you can determine what motivates them. You can then show them how they can align their goals with yours to work together for your mutual advantage. When you do, everybody wins.

One of the most wonderful things about life is that we are all unique with different levels of intelligence, interests, aptitudes, and desires. How dreadfully dull it would be if we all wanted to be nuclear physicists — or bakers. But, regardless of the gifts we may have received at birth and whichever skills we may have since developed, we all have the capability to be the best at what we do.

Being the best is strictly a reflection of your attitude and your desire. Whether you are a salesperson, an executive, a secretary, or an assembly-line worker, you have the capacity to be as good as you choose to be. When you become outstanding at what you do, you will discover greatly increased demand for your services. When you become the best in your line of work, you may be asked so often to help other “sheep” that you will soon own your own “flock.”

If you are a shepherd, be the best and you may live to own the flock.

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December 13

You may think other’s are fooled!

As a general rule, people will accept you for what you say you are until you prove yourself to be otherwise. Don’t take advantage of the goodwill of others.

Abraham Lincoln once observed, “You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time.” Regardless of how cleverly you package yourself, others will eventually see through your masquerade and recognize you for what you really are.

If you have more enemies than friends, the odds are a thousand to one you have earned them.

Of all the negative emotions, envy is perhaps the most insidious. It is especially sinister because it destroys you from the inside by replacing all that is positive and productive with negative feelings of anger, jealousy, and despair.  But when you congratulate others upon their successes and genuinely wish them well, not only do you give credit to those who deserve it, but you also feel better about yourself.

Once you’ve overcome your envy, you may want to determine what specific actions the other person took to achieve success. Meanwhile, you will have strengthened your relationships by recognizing the achievements of others.

Category: Matter of Perspective | Comments Off on You may think other’s are fooled!
December 12

Success takes action not just hope!

It’s a sure thing that you’ll not finish if you don’t start.

whichwayAn ancient proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You have probably known people nearing the end of their life’s journey who looked back and said, “If only I had done things differently…. If only I had taken advantage of that opportunity when it came along.” Unfulfilled lives are filled with “if onlys.”

They are the refrain of the timid souls whose lives were finished before they ever really got started. Life is filled with many opportunities — for great successes and spectacular failures. It is up to you to seize the initiative, to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. You are condemned to a life of mediocrity — unless you get into action. Don’t delay; do it today!

lucky-sevenIn a free and democratic society, the number of opportunities for achievement is virtually limitless. In every business or profession, there are innumerable opportunities to invent new products, to improve manufacturing and administrative processes, and to offer better service than the competitor down the street. But every opportunity will soon drift away unless someone seizes it and puts it to work. Anytime you are faced with a difficult problem, stop for a moment and ask yourself, “What is the opportunity hidden in this problem?” When you find an opportunity, you will be far ahead of your competitors. 

Opportunity will not interest itself in the person who isn’t interested in it. The best sales people make most of all their sales after people had said “no.”

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December 11

Are you “allergic” to honest work?

In any business, profession, or occupation, there comes a time when you have to deliver.

magic-watchYou may fake it for a time, pretending that you’re giving an honest effort, but eventually you will be measured by your deeds, not by your words. If you are more of a talker than a doer, make a vow today — right now — to change your behavior.

You may be able to drift through life if you never do more than you are required to do, but you will never know what you might have achieved if you had only been willing to give a little more. The greatest opportunities always go to those who have an affinity for hard work, not an allergy to it. A little job well done is the first step toward a bigger one.

Success is more of a process than an event. Great success is achieved after a long string of small successes. Most of us earn our stripes one step at a time, and we work our way up through the ranks. When we begin our careers, we are given assignments that are commensurate with our skill and experience.

facts-and-mythsAs we prove our worth to the organization, we are gradually entrusted with more responsibility and increasingly larger projects. As you assume responsibility for one position, do so with an eye toward the next one. Do your absolute best every day in your job, but always plan for the future.

View each day as an opportunity to learn something that will make you more valuable to the company or organization so that when the time arrives for promotions, your name will be the first one that comes to your boss’s mind.

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December 10

Concentration is a Laser!

Success in life is hard to find if you scatter your forces and try to do a dozen things at the same time.

The people who complain the loudest about never having an opportunity in life are usually the ones who always have a ready excuse for their failures. Nothing is ever their fault; they are victims of their heritage, their environment, insufficient education, or any number of other factors that they perceive as placing them at a disadvantage.

If you look hard enough, you can always find reasons for not attempting something or not sticking with the job to the end. Successful people, though, are not excuse-makers. They take responsibility for their actions, they set goals, and they assume responsibility for their achievement. Where others see despair, they see hope. They approach every situation with enthusiasm, confident in the knowledge that nothing is impossible for those who have a Positive Mental Attitude. They concentrate their focus of energy on the outcome they desire and enjoy the ride.

Even the most popular people have their detractors. Because we are all different, with differing interests and personalities, it is simply impossible for anyone to be beloved by every individual who knows him or her.

If your mission in life is to make everyone like you, great disappointment is in store. But if you are always kind and considerate in your dealings with others, they may not like you, but it will be impossible for them to dislike you. You can cement your relationships with others by making sure that you are a person of character, one who is predictably honest, straightforward, and ethical. When you follow such a code of conduct, you may not be sought out by others who do not share your value, but you will be respected by all who know you. And in the end, self-respect will mean far more to you than mere popularity.

You cannot make all people like you, but you can rob them of a sound reason for disliking you.

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December 7

Attraction is stronger than just Sex!

Success attracts success and failure attracts failure because of the law of harmonious attraction.

In physics, positives attract negatives and vice versa, but in human relationships the opposite is true. Negative people attract only other negative people, while positive thinkers attract like-minded individuals.You will find that when you begin to achieve success more successes will follow. This is the law of harmonious attraction. When riches begin to come your way, you’ll be amazed how quickly they accumulate.

Train your mind to visualize yourself acquiring a specific amount of wealth or achieving a certain goal — whatever you most desire. Then use self-suggestion to persuade your subconscious mind that you can achieve your goal, and put your plan into action. When you use the tools that you have at your disposal to prepare yourself for success and visualize yourself as having already reached your objective, you can achieve any reasonable goal that you set for yourself.

Without a strong foundation built on positive character traits, success will not long endure. It is virtually impossible to fake good character. Phonies are quickly spotted because they haven’t the substance and determination to maintain the charade.

Developing good character begins with a positive attitude. Your desire to be a good, decent, honest, considerate person must first take place in your mind. When you make the decision to become a person of character, you will also find that you are much more willing to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do.

Great fortunes or modest fortunes are a blessing only when they are used in good part to benefit others.

Throughout this philosophy will be found the suggestion that thought, backed by strong desire, has a tendency to transmute itself into its physical equivalent

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December 6

Can you Remove the Weeds?

Human faults are like garden weeds. They grow without cultivation and soon take over the place if they aren’t thinned out.

Habits are formed so slowly that most of us don’t realize what is happening until the habits are too strongly entrenched to be broken. Seldom can one pattern of behavior be eliminated without replacing it with another.

It has been said that nature abhors a vacuum and will always find something to fill a void. The best way to thin out the “weeds,” or faults in your character, is to identify those traits with which you are dissatisfied and replace them with their positive counterparts.

Think about the military for a moment.  Armies spend endless hours training people to follow orders without question. It’s an essential quality in a soldier. Why are they doing this? To erase what they consider the weeds and fill them with the discipline needed for success.

In everyday life, however, the framework for discipline does not exist…it has to be found by our journey of purpose. Business, political, and civic leaders have learned that ordinary people will perform exceptional tasks when they are “asked” not “ordered-to” take action. The secret to successfully incorporating this into your life is paying attention to the tone of your voice. Phrases such as, “Would you mind …” or, “Could I ask your assistance in …” or the always effective, “Please …” will ensure success far more often than intimidating those who work for you. And when you need help from those whose paychecks you do not control, you will find them far more responsive to requests than to orders.

Please remember, all achievement, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea! Make sure you have healthy “weed free” thoughts in your mind to generate your best ideas.

When you begin to think and grow rich, you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind, with definiteness of purpose, with little or no hard work.

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December 5

Are you Smart Busy?

Have you noticed that the most effective worker is generally the busiest?

busy bearSuccessful people are busy people. They despise idleness and constantly search for new challenges and better ways to do things. When others discover that you are a thoughtful, helpful, enthusiastic worker, you will soon have more business than you can manage, and you will greatly increase the number of people who have a stake in your success.

The most mundane tasks become much more bearable when you compete with yourself to improve at doing them. When you find faster and better ways to do your job, you also free up time that can be spent in more creative pursuits.

patriotic dogHopefully, you realize how important it is to offer service freely to your community without expecting anything specific in return. Your actions are a quiet but steadfast signal to others of the importance of being involved, a sign that success does not require heartless devotion to a cause and a reminder to others of the personal satisfaction you gain from your labor. You will find that you inspire others to similar actions in different areas, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond what you alone can do.

The community in which you live will become a better place, and you will be happier being a part of it.

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