December 23

What are you Broadcasting?

We have all experience the feeling of someone looking at us and we turn to catch them … how did we do this?  Just like a radio but with thought!

Every human brain is both a broadcasting station and a receiving station for the vibrations of thought.

Whatever the actual science of thought transmissions may be, it is true that if you wish to receive the power contained in the thoughts of others, you must condition your mind to receive those ideas. Listening helps condition your mind to receive valuable information contained in the thoughts of others.

Set aside any preconceived notions you may have about the topic, and listen attentively and nonjudgmentally to what is being said. Focus on the information, not on the speaker. Try to identify key concepts behind the speaker’s words. Train your mind to identify and absorb information that others often miss because their “receivers” are not tuned to the proper frequency.

There is harmony throughout the universe in everything except human relationships.

Our universe is characterized by order and harmony, yet we human beings must constantly struggle to achieve the same characteristics in our relationships. In fact, human beings seem to find it unnatural to cooperate with others.

Successful individuals are those who have learned to swim against the current, to do the things that others refuse to do. They have learned how to work together for the benefit of the entire group.

Achieving harmony in any relationship — business, personal, or professional — requires work. Take comfort in the fact that you’ll accomplish far more working with others than working against them. Demonstrate that you care about all the members of your team.

Please remember….Riches begin in the form of thought!

Posted December 23, 2020 by admin in category "What is the Matter?