Convictions … Not Arrogance
There is a fine line between doing what is Right because it points you to your Life Purpose and doing IT to prove you are RIGHT!
So often in life, it is the times when we are SURE we are right, that we need to worry what the world thinks.
As we discussed at the beginning it is our awakened Conscious mind that does all the Knowing. But it is our Sub-Conscious gut that has all the wisdom.
If you are ever to achieve noteworthy success in your life, you must be willing to stand apart from the crowd. Success is something that is achieved by the minority, not the majority, of people. You will also discover as you climb the ladder of success that there are many who, out of jealousy or envy, will belittle your achievements. Nevertheless, if you have the courage of your convictions, nothing can deter you from your course.
You develop confidence in your beliefs by doing your own thinking and by constantly testing and revising your knowledge into the wisdom of you Lifes Purpose.
If you are really great, you will let others discover this fact from your actions.
In the final analysis, all that really matters are your actions. You may talk a good story, but no matter how good you are at selling others on your capabilities, eventually you have to perform. It is true that people are generally forgiving and will overlook an occasional failure to deliver upon your promises. Ultimately, though, you must live up to your promises to others if you ever expect to make a lasting impression on them.
Make it a habit to demonstrate your abilities before talking about them. Seldom is anything worthwhile achieved without the help of others, and nothing is ever achieved without some form of action. The road to failure and despair is littered with the dreams of those who failed to act upon