January 15

Convictions … Not Arrogance

There is a fine line between doing what is Right because it points you to your Life Purpose and doing IT to prove you are RIGHT!

So often in life, it is the times when we are SURE we are right, that we need to worry what the world thinks.

As we discussed at the beginning it is our awakened Conscious mind that does all the Knowing.  But it is our Sub-Conscious gut that has all the wisdom.

If you are ever to achieve noteworthy success in your life, you must be willing to stand apart from the crowd. Success is something that is achieved by the minority, not the majority, of people. You will also discover as you climb the ladder of success that there are many who, out of jealousy or envy, will belittle your achievements. Nevertheless, if you have the courage of your convictions, nothing can deter you from your course.

You develop confidence in your beliefs by doing your own thinking and by constantly testing and revising your knowledge into the wisdom of you Lifes Purpose.

If you are really great, you will let others discover this fact from your actions.

worldinhandIn the final analysis, all that really matters are your actions. You may talk a good story, but no matter how good you are at selling others on your capabilities, eventually you have to perform. It is true that people are generally forgiving and will overlook an occasional failure to deliver upon your promises. Ultimately, though, you must live up to your promises to others if you ever expect to make a lasting impression on them.

Make it a habit to demonstrate your abilities before talking about them. Seldom is anything worthwhile achieved without the help of others, and nothing is ever achieved without some form of action. The road to failure and despair is littered with the dreams of those who failed to act upon

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December 12

Success takes action not just hope!

It’s a sure thing that you’ll not finish if you don’t start.

whichwayAn ancient proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You have probably known people nearing the end of their life’s journey who looked back and said, “If only I had done things differently…. If only I had taken advantage of that opportunity when it came along.” Unfulfilled lives are filled with “if onlys.”

They are the refrain of the timid souls whose lives were finished before they ever really got started. Life is filled with many opportunities — for great successes and spectacular failures. It is up to you to seize the initiative, to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. You are condemned to a life of mediocrity — unless you get into action. Don’t delay; do it today!

lucky-sevenIn a free and democratic society, the number of opportunities for achievement is virtually limitless. In every business or profession, there are innumerable opportunities to invent new products, to improve manufacturing and administrative processes, and to offer better service than the competitor down the street. But every opportunity will soon drift away unless someone seizes it and puts it to work. Anytime you are faced with a difficult problem, stop for a moment and ask yourself, “What is the opportunity hidden in this problem?” When you find an opportunity, you will be far ahead of your competitors. 

Opportunity will not interest itself in the person who isn’t interested in it. The best sales people make most of all their sales after people had said “no.”

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December 11

Are you “allergic” to honest work?

In any business, profession, or occupation, there comes a time when you have to deliver.

magic-watchYou may fake it for a time, pretending that you’re giving an honest effort, but eventually you will be measured by your deeds, not by your words. If you are more of a talker than a doer, make a vow today — right now — to change your behavior.

You may be able to drift through life if you never do more than you are required to do, but you will never know what you might have achieved if you had only been willing to give a little more. The greatest opportunities always go to those who have an affinity for hard work, not an allergy to it. A little job well done is the first step toward a bigger one.

Success is more of a process than an event. Great success is achieved after a long string of small successes. Most of us earn our stripes one step at a time, and we work our way up through the ranks. When we begin our careers, we are given assignments that are commensurate with our skill and experience.

facts-and-mythsAs we prove our worth to the organization, we are gradually entrusted with more responsibility and increasingly larger projects. As you assume responsibility for one position, do so with an eye toward the next one. Do your absolute best every day in your job, but always plan for the future.

View each day as an opportunity to learn something that will make you more valuable to the company or organization so that when the time arrives for promotions, your name will be the first one that comes to your boss’s mind.

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December 5

Are you Smart Busy?

Have you noticed that the most effective worker is generally the busiest?

busy bearSuccessful people are busy people. They despise idleness and constantly search for new challenges and better ways to do things. When others discover that you are a thoughtful, helpful, enthusiastic worker, you will soon have more business than you can manage, and you will greatly increase the number of people who have a stake in your success.

The most mundane tasks become much more bearable when you compete with yourself to improve at doing them. When you find faster and better ways to do your job, you also free up time that can be spent in more creative pursuits.

patriotic dogHopefully, you realize how important it is to offer service freely to your community without expecting anything specific in return. Your actions are a quiet but steadfast signal to others of the importance of being involved, a sign that success does not require heartless devotion to a cause and a reminder to others of the personal satisfaction you gain from your labor. You will find that you inspire others to similar actions in different areas, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond what you alone can do.

The community in which you live will become a better place, and you will be happier being a part of it.

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November 24

Get it done – NOW!

If something needs to be done….do it NOW. Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.

funny_procrastination For an achiever, perhaps the most dangerous, most destructive habit of all is procrastination, for it robs you of your initiative. When you put things off once, it’s easier to put them off again, until the habit is so firmly ingrained that it cannot be easily broken. Sadly, the effects of habitual procrastination compound.

If you start doing things NOW … You will be surprised how quickly you begin to feel better about yourself and your situation when you get going on something — anything. As British prime minister and author Benjamin Disraeli said, “Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.”

e-for-effortMost failures could have been converted into successes if someone had held on another minute or made more effort.

When you have the potential for success within you, adversity and temporary defeat only help you prepare to reach great heights of success. Without adversity, you would never develop the qualities of reliability, loyalty, humility, and perseverance that are so essential to enduring success. Many people have escaped the jaws of defeat and achieved great victories because they would not allow themselves to fail. When your escape routes are all closed, you will be surprised how quickly you will find the path to success.

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November 22

Are you Drifting through Life?

Without a major purpose, you are drifting toward certain failure.

In achieving the goals you have set for yourself, there are only two alternatives: Either you are moving toward your goal, or you are drifting away from it. Choose your purpose in life and attack it with a vengeance. When you have the courage of your convictions, when the choice is one you’ve made for yourself, you will have the strength to persevere until you succeed.

It is well known among those who make it a practice to help others that doing a service for another benefits the giver as much as — if not more than — the receiver. When you do a good deed for someone else, you become a better person. The positive effect that your good deed has upon you will endure long after it is forgotten by the recipient. Good deeds need not be large or costly. The greatest gifts are gifts of your time and yourself. A kind word or small courtesy will be remembered and appreciated.

You don’t have to do more than you are paid for, but you can push yourself ahead mighty fast by doing it voluntarily.

Initiative is that exceedingly rare quality that prompts — no, impels — a person to do what ought to be done without being told. It’s also a commodity upon which the world places great value. Initiative will immediately set you apart from the competition, whether you are an entrepreneur, a professional services provider, a corporate staffer, or an hourly worker. Your boss, your clients, or your customers will notice you and come to depend upon you because you have shown yourself to be a person who can be counted upon always to do the right thing.

Count that day lost whose descending sun finds you with no good deeds done. Also, please realize that you can never have riches in great quantities unless you can work yourself into a white heat of desire for money, and actually believe you will possess it.

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November 3

Are you the best you can be?

Don’t be satisfied with being good at your job. Be the best, and you’ll be indispensable.

lockinmoneyExperts have consistently found that after a certain point, money ceases to be a motivator. Even though you may not yet have reached that point, if you are honest with yourself, you will probably find that money is only one of many considerations.

When asked if they would continue doing what they do even though it didn’t pay well, most highly successful people reply, “Absolutely. I wouldn’t change a thing. I love what I’m doing.” One of the surest ways to climb the ladder of success is to choose a job that you would do even if you didn’t earn much at it. When you are working because you like what you do, the money will follow. You will become such a rare commodity that others will compete for your services — and pay you handsomely for them.

The habitual procrastinator is always an expert creator of alibis.

talkischeapIf you are so inclined, you can always find dozens of reasons why something can’t or shouldn’t be done — and precious few why it should or could. It is far easier to rationalize that it’s too difficult, too expensive, or too time-consuming than to accept the idea that if we are willing to work hard enough, smart enough, and long enough we can accomplish anything. Instead of making a commitment, we make up an alibi. If you find that you frequently invent excuses for why you didn’t do something or have a million reasons why something didn’t work out as planned, it’s time for a reality check.

Transforming desire into a reality of money requires turning your thoughts and plans into reality.

Stop explaining and start doing! 

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October 23

Life sends us what we give!

If you are a kind and decent person, you can expect to be treated well in return.

When you do something to or for another, whether your deeds are good or bad, people feel compelled to “retaliate” in kind. If you use others for your own advantage without giving anything in return, you will soon find that they have little use for you.

People like working for and with positive, considerate people.

Your mind is unquestionably your most valuable possession. You may lose every material thing you own, but knowledge can never be taken from you.

With positive thinking, you can earn a new fortune, build a new home, and buy anything you truly desire. No one else can control your thoughts; even the cruelest tyrant cannot force you to think about something you refuse to accept.

When you make a deliberate decision to take control of your mind and feed it positive, constructive thoughts, you are on your way to taking control of your life.

The thoughts you allow to dominate your mind will determine what you will get from life.

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September 20

Positive minds just get it done.

A positive mind finds a way it can be done. A negative mind looks for all the ways it can’t be done.

depressionSomeone once said, “There are no truths; there are only perceptions of truth.” Whether or not you accept this statement, whatever you believe to be true will become your reality. Your subconscious mind will believe anything you tell it — if you repeat the words often and with conviction. When you are faced with a daunting task that you’ve never attempted before, focus on the potential for success, not on the possibilities for failure. Break the job down into smaller elements and tackle each one separately. The only difference between success and failure in any job is your attitude toward it.

boy-rollingIt is a peculiarity of human relationships that it is virtually impossible for one individual to have a lasting positive influence upon members of a group of negative thinkers. Usually, it works the other way. You cannot maintain a positive, productive attitude if you spend all your time with negative people. Those who have wrecked their own lives (and usually blame their misfortune on others) are not the kind of people who will help you achieve success in your own life.

Choose your friends and associates carefully, and refrain from complaints about your job, your company, or any individual. Spend your time with positive, ambitious people who have a plan for their lives. You will find that their optimism is infectious.

If you don’t want your life to be “messed up,” don’t fool around with those who have messed up theirs.

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August 31

How do you define failure?

Edison failed 10,000 times before perfecting the incandescent electric light bulb. Don’t worry if you fail once.

Arguably America’s greatest inventor, Thomas Edison had an extraordinarily positive perception of life that greatly enhanced his ability as an inventor. When others might have been hopelessly discouraged after failing thousands of times in an attempt to develop an electric light, the great Edison simply viewed each unsuccessful experiment as the elimination of a solution that wouldn’t work, thereby moving him that much closer to a successful solution. We could all take a lesson from Edison.

Stories abound about inventors who quit trying and gave up too soon or miners who struck gold just a few feet beyond where someone else quit digging. There are few obstacles in life that will not succumb to consistent, sustained, intelligent, positive action. When you are discouraged after you’ve failed at something, remember Edison’s 10,000 failures before he arrived at the solution that forever changed the world.

We often discover that people we view as “overnight successes” have in fact labored for years in obscurity before they were finally recognized and rewarded for their contributions. Success is a cumulative effort; the journey to the top in any field is usually long and requires careful planning.

If you want to climb the first rung on the ladder of success, you must always take the initiative to get the job done, even when you find it less than challenging or even unpleasant. Eventually, you’ll earn your reward. You will become the boss, the leader, because you have developed the habit of taking the initiative to get the job done. You will get the best jobs because you’ve proven that you are dependable by accepting responsibility for your actions and your future.

The best job goes to the one who can get it done without passing the buck or coming back with alibis.

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