Life is your Mirror…..are you seeing what you wish to see?
If not, try this process of programming your thinking for success.
By repeating something over and over to yourself, your subconscious mind will eventually begin to accept it as fact. When something has been accepted as truth by your subconscious mind, it will work overtime to transform the idea into physical reality. You can take advantage of this by programming your mind to think positive thoughts.
Watch to see if circumstance change for the better and tweak your thinking further to accelerate the changes you seek. Use self-motivators or affirmations to persuade your subconscious that you are capable of doing anything you wish. Repeat the self-motivator several times a day until it becomes an automatic reaction to recall a positive phrase whenever you begin to doubt yourself. Replace “I can’t” with “I will!”
The good book has a great foundation theory …. Do Onto Others as you Wish to Receive.
The con man works harder and pays more for what he gets out of life than any other person, but he kids himself into believing he is getting something for nothing.
There is a fundamental rule in business: You must sell yourself first before you can effectively sell others. If you can’t believe in the value of your products or service, no one else will either. If you are conning others into an unfair deal, you must work mightily to overcome your internal resistance to doing something wrong. A deal is a good one only when it is good for everyone involved.
When each participant has an equal opportunity to profit and the risk is shared among partners who care about one another’s welfare, not only is the likelihood of success far greater, but the journey toward it will also be much more enjoyable.
The surest way to promote yourself is to help others get ahead.
When you go out of your way to help others get ahead, it is inevitable that they will reciprocate. When you genuinely wish others well, even though you may feel a little envious that they are advancing faster than you or gaining more recognition, they will respond accordingly.
Your good deeds will encourage them to do likewise. You may never know how many people have recommended you for a job, or a promotion, or helped you in some other way because you aided them when they needed it most.
The Mirror does not lie to you!
Its your job to really SEE what it is showing and CHOOSE to change if you do not like what you see.