Don’t be afraid to aim high!
Don’t be afraid to aim high when choosing your life’s goal, for no matter how high you aim, you will accomplish more than you have today!
Ideas are intangible forces, but they have more power than the physical brains that give birth to them. Every success and every temporary setback only serve to prepare you for the time when you will eventually prevail. Your short-and medium-term goals should be realistic and achievable, but your long-term goals should always far exceed your present capabilities.
As the Roman poet Virgil said, “Fortune sides with him who dares.” Only the highway of useful service leads to the city of happiness. Psychologists who study human behavior have concluded that we are happiest when we are striving to achieve success. It is the act of striving, not the successful completion of the task, that provides the greatest psychic rewards.
When you strive to achieve success through service to others, you multiply the benefits to yourself, and you ensure that whatever road you choose in life will ultimately lead you to success and happiness. There is no occupation or profession that will not benefit from a concerted effort to better serve others. But the greatest benefit will be to you, in the form of the self-satisfaction that comes from knowing that you made a difference, that without you others would never have received the service you provided.
Many businesses today advocate “continuous improvement” as part of their quality programs. They have realized that to remain competitive in today’s global economy they must constantly strive to improve every aspect of the business, otherwise they will be overtaken by the competition. The same ethic applies to individuals.
All of life is a continuous learning experience. Every success and every temporary setback only serve to prepare you for the time when you will eventually prevail. Your short-and medium-term goals should be realistic and achievable, but your long-term goals should always far exceed your present capabilities. As the Roman poet Virgil said, “Fortune sides with him who dares.”
There is a reward of stupendous proportions if you put the Key to use. It is the satisfaction that comes to all who conquer self and force life to pay whatever is asked.