December 27

Mind addictions … just as bad.

The most debilitating problem with drugs is that our body develops a tolerance for them and requires larger and larger doses to achieve the same effect.

The same is true with self-pity. The more you allow yourself to indulge in it, the more you will require. Soon, self-pity will become a habit, one so debilitating that you will rob yourself of all the potential you possess.

Happily, there is a cure. If you truly analyze the situation, most often you will find that the problems that have driven you to pity yourself are mostly of your own creation. It follows, then, that the best person to remedy the problem is the person who created it: you, yourself.  Try to catch yourself feeling low and ask yourself if the feelings are warranted of the situation. Just the process of becoming aware will break the deepening addiction.

True riches of life are far more likely to accrue to those who actively go out and seek them.  Try asking a person you respect for their success how they got started? To a person they will all say something like, “I envisioned my success in my mind and the step materialized.” Seldom does success come marching in accompanied by a brass band in full regalia. More often, it’s achieved by those who labor long and hard. Take the initiative, and you will create your own opportunities. There is no substitute for action backed up by a well-thought-out plan.

Please remember…. No one is ever whipped, until we quit — in our own mind.

The poet John Milton’s words, “They also serve who only stand and wait,” may be both profound and genuine, but the true riches of life are far more likely to accrue to those who actively go out and seek them.

Seldom does success come marching in accompanied by a brass band in full regalia. More often, it’s achieved by those who labor long and hard. Take the initiative, and you will create your own opportunities.

There is no substitute for action backed up by a well-thought-out plan.

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December 6

Can you Remove the Weeds?

Human faults are like garden weeds. They grow without cultivation and soon take over the place if they aren’t thinned out.

Habits are formed so slowly that most of us don’t realize what is happening until the habits are too strongly entrenched to be broken. Seldom can one pattern of behavior be eliminated without replacing it with another.

It has been said that nature abhors a vacuum and will always find something to fill a void. The best way to thin out the “weeds,” or faults in your character, is to identify those traits with which you are dissatisfied and replace them with their positive counterparts.

Think about the military for a moment.  Armies spend endless hours training people to follow orders without question. It’s an essential quality in a soldier. Why are they doing this? To erase what they consider the weeds and fill them with the discipline needed for success.

In everyday life, however, the framework for discipline does not exist…it has to be found by our journey of purpose. Business, political, and civic leaders have learned that ordinary people will perform exceptional tasks when they are “asked” not “ordered-to” take action. The secret to successfully incorporating this into your life is paying attention to the tone of your voice. Phrases such as, “Would you mind …” or, “Could I ask your assistance in …” or the always effective, “Please …” will ensure success far more often than intimidating those who work for you. And when you need help from those whose paychecks you do not control, you will find them far more responsive to requests than to orders.

Please remember, all achievement, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea! Make sure you have healthy “weed free” thoughts in your mind to generate your best ideas.

When you begin to think and grow rich, you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind, with definiteness of purpose, with little or no hard work.

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December 4

Do you Think So?

If you know your own mind, you know enough to keep it always positive.

edisonlightbulbYou may not fully understand the complex process that causes electricity to be generated and transmitted to your home. But you understand very well how to apply and use it to illuminate your home, power your computer, and perform hundreds of other essential tasks.

The same is true of your mind. No one understands the incredibly complex workings of the brain; we know only that when we use our mind in a certain way, we achieve a desired result. If we think positively, we achieve positive results.

Who told you it couldn’t be done, and what great achievements has he performed that qualified him to set up limitations for you?

ready-to-jumpYou will find as you go through life that those who give advice most freely are precisely the individuals who are least qualified to do so. Busy, successful people don’t have an interest in telling you how to live your life. They are busy living their own. Failures or mediocre people have all the time in the world. They also delight in seeing you fail, and are quick to say “I told you so” when you experience a temporary setback.

If someone tells you that what you are attempting to achieve is impossible or not worth the effort, take a close look at them and what they have accomplished with their lives. The chances are good that you will find they haven’t done much. Successful people are optimistic people. They have the habit of success because they learned long ago to listen to themselves and not to those who would like to see them fail.

Good intentions are useless until they are expressed in appropriate action. They may be an appropriate starting point for achievement, but they will go nowhere unless you follow through with action. Many people confuse intentions with achievement; after all, it is the idea that is most important, they reason. In reality, the most mediocre idea acted upon is far more valuable than a flash of genius that resides only in your mind. Developing the habit of action may be difficult at first, but the more you practice it, the easier it becomes.

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December 2

Knowing is not enough!

The keenest minds are the ones that have been seasoned by practical experience, reflection and recognition of the sub conscious.  This is where you wisdom lives.

Our journey through life tends to take 4 majors steps as we mature:

1. We do not know what we do not know
2. We begin to learn what we do not know – life lessons develop our understanding
3. We KNOW but cannot act – When you say “I should have done/known” you are here
4. We KNOW what we KNOW and can act of it to benefit – this is our wisdom stage.

Theoretical knowledge without practical experience might be compared to a large mass of undirected energy. Until it is focused, it is difficult to direct the energy to a useful end.

You want the cheese … should you take it?

Practical experience is the lens through which the energy of knowledge may be focused and directed toward activities that will provide the greatest benefit. When you learn new concepts or have an idea that has not yet been tested, make it a practice to think through its application carefully before implementation.

When you have considered the possibilities, and it still seems to be a good idea — get into action. The only way to get practical experience is to get to work executing your idea, letting your sub conscious wisdom guide you along the way.

Knowledge will not attract money unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical plans of action, to the definite end of accumulation of money.

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November 25

Are you Proud of your Actions!

Before you can build anything worthwhile, you must first create it in your mind.

Your mind is not constrained by physical limitations or boundaries. In the workshop of your mind, you can visualize things that have never been. It is said that Albert Einstein visualized how the universe might look if he were riding astride a beam of light through infinity. Then he worked out the mathematics to support his theory of relativity. You can use the power of your imagination to visualize solutions to difficult problems, to develop new ideas, and to see yourself achieving the goals you have set for yourself.

The people we respect the most take actions – every day –  that they are proud off!  If you wish to have respect of others, respect yourself first. Act in ways you are proud and others will respect you . . . there is no other choice but envy!

Have you known people who can’t stand to be alone for any length of time? The chances are good that those folks don’t like themselves very much. They need others around constantly to validate their own existence. Sadly, the people who need others the most are usually those whom others least like to be around. Because they don’t like themselves, other people seldom do either.

The surest way to command the respect of others is to become a person you like being around. Identify the characteristics you admire in others and make a conscious effort to develop them yourself. Your self-respect begins to grow the moment you decide to take the first step toward becoming the kind of person you know you can be: a success.

In today’s “everything is negotiable” society, we are bombarded with messages telling us that we get what we demand, not what we deserve. You may temporarily achieve success by demanding more than your due from others, but it will not long endure. “Squeaky wheels” may initially receive the most attention, but the wise wagon-master eventually replaces them.

It’s easy to create problems and dissension but very difficult to lead others in a spirit of cooperation and harmony. Which type of individual do you think is most valuable to the organization?

The greatest rewards in life — both financial and personal — will always accrue to the peacemakers of the world.

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November 6

You must FEEL out your thoughts!

Control your own mind, and you may never be controlled by the mind of another.

The mind is the most powerful weapon known to man. It simply cannot be controlled or contained by an outside force, however formidable that force may at first appear. Throughout history, tyrants have tried to control those who opposed them, but eventually these rulers discovered the power of the imagination was far greater than the threat of the sword. As Victor Hugo said, “An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.”

The old adage, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all,” is especially valid today.

In any organization, regardless of size, the rumor mill works overtime when it comes to negative gossip. And you can be sure that unkind things you say about others will very quickly find their way to them, for it is also a truism that those who talk about others to us talk about us to others.

Each of us has a finite amount of time, energy, and money; you must choose for yourself how you will spend them. If you elect to squander your resources by demeaning others in an attempt to advance your own interests, you will soon find that so much of your time and energy has been spent on gossip and slander that you have little time left for yourself. If you deal in malicious information, you’ll rarely be trusted. As the saying goes, “Those who talk about others to us will talk about us to others.”

It is always safe to talk about others as long as you speak of their good qualities.

Not only should you not speak badly of others — you should not participate in conversations in which others do. Spend your time with those who focus on important things, and you will never have to apologize for an unkind word uttered in a moment of weakness.

Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts only upon thought which have been well-mixed with emotion or feeling.

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November 5

Who’s the Real Boss?

While your time and your labor may be subject to the demands of your employer and others, your mind is the one thing that cannot be controlled by anyone but you.

The thoughts you think, your attitude toward your job, family and what you are willing to give in exchange for the compensation you are paid are entirely up to you. You and only you determine whether you will be a slave to a negative attitude or the master of a positive one.

Your attitude, your only Real master in life, is entirely within your control. When you control your attitude toward events, you control the eventual implication of those events.

Why all the talk about attitude…..let’s think about gambling.   We all know its fun to put ones opinion on the line against another, but it is imperative to keep the temporary ego boost in check or it ruins ones perspective of life like any other drug abuse.  Out of control people who gamble for money tend to be consistent cheaters because they are trying to get something for nothing.

Anyone who risks his or her wealth upon the fickle whims of chance is usually not the type of person you would like to have for a business partner. They are individuals who are most likely to yield to the temptation to cut corners on product quality, overlook unsafe working conditions, and generally fail to deliver on their promises.

It is impossible to get something for nothing for a sustained period of time. The law of compensation is unforgiving in its demands that you get what you deserve. You may feel at times that you deserve better — and you may — but eventually your payback will be commensurate with your efforts.

You must give an equivalent value for the object of your desire. Anything you happen to acquire through sharp practices will have no enduring value for you.

So the moral is….if we can always remember that our attitudes are the real boss….we keep life in perfect perspective and can use the universal laws to life’s benefits.

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October 24

Challenge is your best teacher . . .

Most successful people find opportunities in their adversity… if you can see the lessons in the moment you will be way ahead of average.

leader-rolemodelSamuel Johnson once observed that the prospect of being hanged wonderfully focuses the mind. You yourself may have found that your mind seems sharpest when you are faced with the greatest difficulties. Desperation often proves you really are better than you think. But with the exception of an immediate threat to your life or health, there are few situations that require instantaneous action. When the world seems to be conspiring against you and nothing is working out right, pause for a few moments to think the situation through — then develop the most appropriate plan of action, the one that has the greatest likelihood of success.

The other fellow’s mistakes are a weak alibi for your own.

quote-it-is-easy-in-the-world-to-live-after-the-world-s-opinion-it-is-easy-in-solitude-after-our-own-ralph-waldo-emersonRalph Waldo Emerson said: “It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”

It’s easy when you are part of a group to “go along to get along,” but when you are able to maintain your own highest standards of integrity — regardless of what others may do — you are destined for greatness. When you have developed a carefully thought out code of personal conduct, you will never have to ask anyone else what the appropriate course of action should be. You will intuitively know.

Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers. They became great leaders because they were intelligent followers.

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October 18

How Old do you Think?

Your true age is determined by your mental attitude, not the years you have lived.

The American clergyman and author Tyrone Edwards said, “Age does not depend upon years, but upon temperament and health. Some men are born old, and some never grow so.” No doubt you’ve known teenagers who were old before their time and seventy-year-olds who had the temperament and enthusiasm of those discovering the wonders of life for the very first time. It is all a matter of attitude.

As you grow and develop, make sure your experience is directed toward the acquisition of wisdom, not the acceptance of cynicism. If you find it difficult to keep an open mind because of previous experiences, remind yourself that you’re dealing with different people, that conditions have changed, or that because you are older and wiser, your chances of success are greater than in the past.

Don’t overlook small details. Remember that the universe and all that is in it are made from tiny atoms.

There is an old expression that says, “If you take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves.” It’s another way of saying that every job is composed of many small details, any one of which, if overlooked, can create big problems later.

If you have trouble dealing with details — paperwork, expense accounts, and other annoying details — set aside a time during your work cycle (daily, weekly, or monthly) to deal with such unpleasant tasks. Prepare yourself mentally to deal with those tasks, and you may find that you dispense with them quickly and efficiently. You may even find that the job wasn’t nearly as unpleasant as you expected it to be.

Its all a matter of Attitude!

Success comes to those who become success-conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure-conscious.

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August 30

Do you feel Lucky?

Wendy’s founder, Dave Thomas, says, “A little initiative will improve your luck nine days out of ten.”

catch_lightningOne of the keys to success is Personal Initiative. Most people — including those who will play a key role in the level of success you achieve in your life — will not give you their full assistance and support unless you first take the initiative. If you see something that needs to be done, just do it.

The thoughts you send out to others will have a far greater impact upon you than upon them. Unlike a material possession, when you release a thought or give it to someone else, it also stays with you. It may remain buried in your subconscious long after your conscious mind has forgotten about it. Like chickens that return to the coop at night, such thoughts may flash into your consciousness when you least expect them.

brainWhen your thoughts are positive, you never have to worry about the damage you may do to yourself through negative thinking. Cheerful, productive, happy thoughts that are buried in your subconscious bring positive results when they recur, and by their presence they encourage the maintenance of a positive attitude in all that you do.

Chickens come home to roost, and so do your thoughts. Be careful what sort of thoughts you send out.

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