July 19

NOW Here or NO Where?

What do you see when you read these letters –  NOWHERE?

You can tell alot about yourself based on how you answer this question.

If you read NO WHERE, it might signify a propensity for negative thoughts to dominate your thinking.  If you tend to see the glass half empty, life might appear to be more difficult than it needs to be since you are looking for issues.  Many people successfully protect themselves by always seeing problems before seeing opportunities, so do not be hard on yourself if this is your nature. Please just be aware that your have predetermined your mindset this way. Give yourself the chance to at least consider the opposite opportunities.

If you read NOW HERE, it might signify a propensity to see the positive in every  situation. This person tends to be very light with life and does smile more often.  They also, however, tend to have the hardest falls because they get blind sided by situations they never expected….and this is the issue. If you tend to see positives first, please become aware of this propensity and at least consider the opposite to prepare for all possibilities.

It is a curious quirk of human nature that some people can see opportunities, while others only see problems. When you train your mind to seek out opportunities, you will find that every day literally presents you with more opportunities than you can take advantage of. They will be all around you.

Instead of your seeking opportunities, they will seek you out. Your biggest problem will be choosing the best ones.

The first step in making sure you are ready to recognize opportunities when they occur is to make sure you have a clear understanding of your own core competencies. Realistically assess your strengths and weaknesses as though you were reviewing the credentials of a total stranger. Identify what areas you’re best in and those where you need improvement. Work on your weaknesses and build upon your strengths so that when you recognize opportunities you are prepared to capitalize upon them.

Posted July 19, 2020 by admin in category "No Matter How