June 22

Do you have Faith?

Faith is a combination of thoughts and actions.

When you apply your faith in yourself, your faith in your fellow man, and your faith in God, the result is a positive course of action that when persistently followed will almost always lead to success. When you believe in your ideas and in your abilities, and you trust in the Infinite Intelligence of the universe, you know that your thoughts and deeds will ultimately lead to a successful conclusion. You cannot fail.

Instead of complaining about what you don’t like, start commending what you do like and see how quickly life improves.

It’s easy to find fault in life. There are always some unpleasant and mundane tasks we would rather omit. It is also easy to allow the things we dislike to dominate our thoughts and to overlook the fact that the things we dislike are really a very small percentage of the life energy all around us.

Try this exercise . . . Make it a point to find something good, every day. It need not be a big, important event; simply finding joy in doing one thing particularly well will suffice. Then, instead of looking forward to the end of the day, you will find yourself actually looking forward to the hunt for your daily miracle!

Posted June 22, 2020 by admin in category "What is the Matter?