July 16

Do you know your Purpose?

How can you judge others accurately if you have not learned to judge yourself accurately?

positivepatternThe ability to evaluate yourself and your performance objectively is critical to your relationships with others and will have an enormous impact upon the level of success you achieve during your lifetime. Unless you can honestly evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, how can you ever expect to improve your performance?

You must determine where you are before you can develop a plan to get you where you would like to be. If you were an independent, dispassionate observer, what advice would you give to yourself to improve your skills, your work habits, your interaction with others, and your contribution to the organization? Honesty about yourself is the first step toward self-improvement.

jumpforjoy2Hard work is commendable and required. But, work taken on the wrong path “is” what creates the response our body calls “stress”.  Stress and struggle are life’s guidelines, bouncing us from “off” course….to “on” course. Use the existence of stress in your life as a signal to take new actions along the path of life you “know” is right.  If stress reduces…. then full steam ahead!

Character is an important element of success and a critical attribute of leadership, but character alone cannot ensure success unless it is channeled in a positive direction. When good, decent people — persons of character — connect with a major purpose for their lives toward which they willingly and enthusiastically direct their energies, the results can be awe-inspiring. A major purpose and outstanding character are a formidable combination.

Posted July 16, 2020 by admin in category "What is the Matter?