June 8

Desire – Secret to What Matters!

If you have pondered and solidified your Life’s Purpose, then a major tuning folk has been established for your life.  This purpose will guide you through all of life choices as we talked about previously


We are sure you are asking Why?  The fast answer is because it triggers DESIRE!

Your emotional system will activate and tell you whether a choice brings you closer or farther away from your Life’s Purpose.

If you want to act successfully in all but the most mundane affairs, you must embrace that purpose with a burning desire. Many people think they want to be successful, but since they do not back that thought with an intense drive, they never achieve success.

Cultivate your desire. Feed it with thoughts of yourself enjoying whatever it is you seek. It’s like stoking the furnace of a steam engine. You need to build up enough pressure to carry yourself over hills; if your desire doesn’t burn hotly enough, you’ll find yourself stalled and rolling backwards.

The secret to action is a red-hot desire. Choose the things that trigger  both Conscious and Unconscious desire and enjoy the results!

A burning desire to be and to do is the starting point from which the dreamer must take off. Dreams are not born of indifference, laziness, or lack of ambition.

In planning to acquire your share of the riches, its really important to NOT listen to the people who are trying to steal your dream.

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April 3

Does it look like a Trick or Treat?

Honestly – how often is your gut feel right? Do you follow it or ignore it?

The trickiest situation is how do you handle the person trying to help…..

The most dangerous person to you is the one who tries to poison your mind against another under the pretense of helping you. The chances are a 1000 to 1 they are trying to help themselves.

South African poet and painter Breyten Breytenback tells of a black man named Freedom who was the property of a one-legged slave owner in the days before the abolition of slavery. Whenever the owner bought a new pair of shoes, he gave the left one, which he couldn’t use, to Freedom. Eventually, wearing two left shoes deformed Freedom’s right foot, and he was permanently crippled by the “generosity” of his master.

Don’t be fooled by people who attempt to further their own interests under the guise of helping you. Listen to advice from others, thank them for their interest, and make up your own mind about what is best. Follow their advice if it fits with your plan for your life, but don’t hesitate to discard it if it doesn’t. In all the world, there is only one individual who knows what is best for you, and that person is you.

When you begin to think and grow rich, you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind, with definiteness of purpose, with little or no hard work.

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March 3

Persevere – Often the hardest to do!

When the going is hardest, most people quite trying. Is that You?

If you can keep trying and learn from past setback, there is a good chance you will reach your goal.  Only one thing is positively true, those who give up – fail!

If you think achieving great heights of success will be easy, you either don’t understand at all how the process works or you have your sights set too low. Reaching the top of any field is difficult, time-consuming, and often tedious.

The reason it isn’t crowded at the top is that most people won’t do the things that are necessary to achieve success. They are all too willing to give up when the going gets tough. If you need inspiration to persevere, read the biographies of men and women who have achieved greatness in their lives. You will find that they prevailed because they refused to quit. They continued to toil alone long after the masses had given up and gone home.



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August 21

There are no degrees of honesty!

The person who is honest only for a “price” should be rated as dishonest.

cyber-thiefThere are no degrees of honesty. There are only absolutes. Either you are honest or you are not. Honesty does not come for a price; honesty is its own reward. It’s also the most efficient form of human behavior. Honest persons never have to worry about which lie they have told to whom, and they never have to worry about getting caught. Thus, they are free to focus all their energies on more productive things.

Make it a habit to be honest in all your dealings. If you can’t be truthful in what you say, don’t say anything at all. Remember, small lies start out innocently enough but soon assume lives of their own. A small lie requires a larger one to conceal it, and soon more, even larger lies are required. Don’t tell that first lie or take a single thing that doesn’t belong to you, and you’ll never have to worry.

You cannot succeed in life by scattering your forces and trying to do a dozen things at the same time. 

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May 18

Real Friends know all about You.

A friend is one who knows all about you and still respects you.

friendsA true friend is a priceless gift. When we reveal our hopes, our dreams, and our deepest secrets to others, and they still like and respect us, such people are to be cherished. All too often, the only reason others wish to spend time with us — to be our friends — is because of what they perceive we can do for them, not the other way around.

A real friendship is reciprocal, one in which each friend benefits equally. You can earn the friendship of others by being the kind of person who deserves respect from friends. When others look up to you, it should make you even more conscious of the responsibility you have to treat them with the same respect you would like them to afford you.

Ability is greater than money because it can be neither lost nor stolen.

sinkin+shipIf you study the lives of very successful people, you will find that they rarely climb to the top of their business or profession and stay there. They often climb to the top and fall to the bottom several times during their careers, but they know that the one thing that got them where they are — their ability — is always there to help them reach the top again. Your ability is the one thing that you own exclusively. No one can ever take it from you.

Before worrying about how to get more pay, try thinking how you can do a better job and you may not need to worry.



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April 8

Talk yourself into Action!

When you have talked yourself into what you want….talk is over… it’s time for actions.

Persuading yourself that you can do something is a strong beginning, but the longer you delay, the harder it will be to start. Seldom is a plan perfect. If you have a clear vision of your goal and a plan that is flexible enough to allow you to deal with unexpected obstacles or take advantage of unforeseen opportunities, don’t delay another minute. Just getting into action — even if you do have to make adjustments later — will help focus your mind and channel your energies in the direction of your objective.

It is a very basic human characteristic that we tend to respond to others in the same way they treat us. They will always remember the kindness you extended, and someday when you need it most, help will appear from a totally unexpected source. The kindness and courtesies you extend to others need not be large and expensive.

A kind word, a friendly greeting, or assistance with a favorite project lets others know that you care enough about them to lend a helping hand.

When you help another cheerfully and enthusiastically without asking for anything in return, an added benefit comes your way, the law of compensation bonds that person to your success.

You have made a friend who is now interested in your success.


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November 4

What are Thoughts worth?

fordHenry Ford is reported to have offered $25,000 to anyone who would show him how to save a single nut and bolt on each automobile he made.

Without Henry Ford, our country would not be the America we know today. His obsession with reducing costs and improving productivity allowed him to build the first automobile that ordinary people could afford and led to the construction of a vast network of roads and highways that gave birth to today’s mobile society. It also set the stage for total quality management and continuous improvement programs that are prevalent in the automotive industry today.

We would all be well advised to take a page from the lessons that the automotive industry has learned in recent years. An obsessive focus on the needs and wants of our customers allows us to become an indispensable part of their lives, but nothing is forever. Continuous improvement is expected in virtually every industry, and quality is the minimum requirement in today’s global economy. Leaders are those who significantly outperform the competition in every aspect of the business.

Sometimes it is wiser to join forces with opponents than to fight them.

monkey_ramWhat a better world this would be if we worked together in harmony toward the achievement of our shared goals instead of engaging in petty disputes and turf battles. When you allow yourself to be dragged into personality conflicts, game playing, arguments about who gets the credit, and disagreements about trivial issues, they only drain your energy and sour your attitude.

Plus you waste valuable time that could be spent on far more important matters. When you make an effort to understand others’ motivations, you may well discover that your opponents have far more in common with you than you think. When you cage your ego and look at the situation from the other person’s point of view, you can almost always find a way to work together for your mutual advantage.

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September 15

Choice of Words Matter!

Mark Twain once observed that “the difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

Choice of words help you be a good eggIt is never appropriate to use profanity, especially among people you do not know well. Instead, build your vocabulary by reading and studying so that you can express yourself simply and eloquently.

When you expand the number of words you know, you also expand your mind, because understanding the words and their meanings necessitates understanding the concepts behind them. Make sure you allow time each day for study and reflection

Profanity is a sign of inadequate vocabulary and average communication  skills.  Most people turn of to the point being made because it sounds like everyone else.

If you want to stand out in life . . . Choice your words carefully. They Matter!

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September 14

Control your Mind, Control Life!

When you take charge of your mind, you take charge of your life.

sunhandWhen you understand your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, you can direct them to any end you choose. Wisdom comes from taking the time to study yourself, to know why you are the person you are. Taking charge of your mind is a thoughtful, reflective, solitary process. Only you can come to understand the complex inner workings of your own mind, and you must be willing to spend the time and effort that gaining such insight requires.

Theoretical knowledge without practical experience might be surprisedmancompared to a large mass of undirected energy. Until it is focused, it is difficult to direct the energy to a useful end. Practical experience is the lens through which the energy of knowledge may be focused and directed toward activities that will provide the greatest benefit.

When you learn new concepts or have an idea that has not yet been tested, make it a practice to think through its application carefully before implementation. When you have considered the possibilities, and it still seems to be a good idea — get into action. The only way to get practical experience is to get to work executing your idea. 

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August 13

Does life seem hard?

Have you ever noticed children born into super rich families tend to grow up to have miserable lives?

Perhaps it is because if you start at the top, you can move in only one direction — downward.

The person born into privilege is often deprived of one of the world’s greatest gifts: the opportunity to reach the highest levels of success of which you are capable, solely on the basis of your own merit. If you were born with less than most, don’t resent others who seem to have more advantages.

In truth, the real advantage is yours, for you will develop the self-confidence that comes only from meeting life’s challenges on your own terms. As you progress, you gain the strength and knowledge necessary to assure your enduring success, things that cannot be given to you, but must be earned.

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